Partnership & Perks

We collaborate with different business to promote substainable lifestyle together.
Know more to enjoy exclusive perks!

Carbon Wallet

→ Redeem Free Superwrap Product with 9000 CW Points

Carbon Wallet is a Green Reward Program in collaboration with various green shops and restaurants, empowering you to live sustainably. You will earn CW points for your green actions, which allow you to redeem attractive green rewards from our partners. Live a low-carbon lifestyle in a fun way without the hassle!

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→ Enjoy 20% discount with 500 Recoins

ReCube stands for Re-Reuse x Reward x Reduce, and provides a rental service for reusable tableware. When buying takeaway users only need to scan the QR code on the ReCube reusable tableware to borrow ReCube reusable tableware conveniently and quickly. Use ReCube now to use reusable tableware easily and earn rewards at the same time!

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Not Only Powder

→ 10% off bundle offer of NOP Fruit Crisp & Superwrap Beeswax Warp

Not Only Powder gives new life to expiring and ugly fruits from fruit producers and suppliers, staying true to our commitment to using sustainable, and natural ingredients. We started because we wanted to encourage, not only living a healthy style but saving food and embracing sustainability in a creative way.

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